ISSN :2687-6418

Air Pollution Reduction with Intelligent Transportation Systems: Dilovası Scenario


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Traffic management is one of the main application areas for ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems). This management begins with the collection of movements and data affecting the route. Ultimately, the data will be used for information access systems. This study is one of the study areas of “Scenario for Reducing the Dilovasi Air Pollution with the ITS Application” which is supported by TUBITAK within the COST (European Cooperation in Scientific and Technology) Program. Within the scope of “Scenario for Reducing Air Pollution with the Intelligent Transport System Application” work package, an alternative route design was made to TEM (Trans European Motorway). Air pollution from road traffic has the highest share in air pollution caused by transportation. Dilovası, which is designated as a sample region in this study, is a region where high industrialization and the main arteries connecting Istanbul metropolises to other cities pass through the city center, where air pollution is intense and the effects caused by this pollution are seen intensively. Transfer to north of vehicle traffic will reduce the air pollution caused by transport to the region. The variable values of air pollution make it possible to use the newly designed road as an alternative way. It is planned that the TEM will be closed and the alternative route will be mandatory if air pollution reaches the value that will affect human health. There are two air pollution measuring stations in the Dilovası region. These stations measure air pollution and produce standardized data. If the data received from the stations are evaluated as part of the ITS designed in the project and the values are not at the desired level, the decision to close the current route is given by the system. This decision must be forwarded to the drivers on the road approaching the area. Among the methods used are many applications such as variable message boards, radios, internet and smart phone systems. The aim is that drivers should turn to an alternative route and should be informed that the current route is closed. In addition, it is important to establish a working system based on meteorological conditions like air pollution in its application. For example, the prevailing wind in the region is known to blow from the north-northeast direction and carry pollution to the region. Therefore, it will be ensured that the emissions from the highway will be transported out of the region by an alternative route.


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Journal of Research in Atmospheric Science (JRAS)
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