ISSN :2687-6418

Automatic Interpretation and Reporting for Air Quality Data


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In the compete against air pollution; measuring air quality, interpretation with quick analyzing, reporting and data sharing with the public is extremely significant. Investments regarding air quality are rapidly increasing during recent years in our country. For effective combat in air quality data report system was established. However, there is very few trained human resource to evaluate air pollution measurement data by meteorological conditions. Trained human resources that are going to evaluate the air quality measurement data by using meteorological parameters are very few. Serious human resources are required to examine and interpret the data through quality control with the increasing number of measuring stations. In this study, large data that are generated as a result of continuous measurements are analyzed by developing algorithms with the assistance of computer software. Air quality measurements; by using meteorological data in lights of daily, monthly or annual analysis, interpretation and sharing obtained report with the public in time are provided, thanks to computer software we have developed. Thus, both data are evaluated as objectively and savings from human resources are supplied.


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Journal of Research in Atmospheric Science (JRAS)
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